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It's 2015, and ever since the release of Windows 8, touch is becoming the norm for PC users. PC manufactures are releasing touch-screens for everything, including laptops. This doesn't mean that you have to abandon you skill set and write Windows Store Apps to utilize this functionality. With Telerik UI for WPF, you can make any app touch-friendly with just a couple of lines of code. In my session from TelerikNEXT, I take a standard WPF app and turn it into an application that responds to various gestures including swipes, pinch, tap, tap and move, and tap and hold. I also explore various touch-friendly controls and explore scenarios in which you should or shouldn't use this feature.

About the Author

Michael Crump

is a Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight and MSDN author as well as an international speaker. He works at Telerik with a focus on everything mobile.  You can follow him on Twitter at @mbcrump or keep up with his various blogs by visiting his Telerik Blog or his Personal Blog.


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